Company's logo is to be uploaded here that will be reflected in the hall.
Company's logo is to be uploaded here that will be reflected in the hall.
Here you are able to add an external URL (any website, social media link) or HTML content (the timings under which reps will be available) or link to documents and videos resources.
Select from the list of available time slots and booth reps to schedule a meeting with them and learn more about their product or service.
Select from the list of available products listed by the booth owners and purchase them right from within the vFairs event platform.
Engage in real time 1 on 1 or group chat conversions with active booth representatives.
These additional features enable booth visitors to easily book a meeting with the booth rep, chat with them, add a note or purchase listed products with the e-commerce module.
Schedule a detailed call with one of our sales representatives.
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